The Board overseeing Catholic Super and the Board of TelstraSuper have signed a binding Heads of Agreement and agreed to proceed with a ‘merger of equals’ between the two funds.

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Lower Fees for our Members

Super | | 2 min read


It’s official. As of 1 July 2021, the joint venture between Catholic Super and Equip has been completed.  

That’s good news for members, as it means lower investment fees. In some cases, we’re been able to pass on fee savings of up to 20%

Lower fees mean more money being contributed towards your super, and your future.   

A better retirement  

The fee reductions are possible because of the greater scale we’ve achieved from aligning our investments and joining forces with Equip.  

As CEO Scott Cameron noted, the lower fees demonstrate the benefits of the joint venture that the two funds have undertaken. "These changes will have significant and positive implications over the long term for members' retirement savings.” 

As part of this alignment we’ve also renamed some of our investment asset classes and switched to daily unit pricing

Good change is here

Lower fees are always welcome, but they’re not the only change. As you may have noticed Catholic Super has undergone a rebrand.  

We may look a little different, but the name, the service, and our commitment to achieving strong long-term investment performance for our members remains the same. 

To find out more about the changes taking place and what they mean for your super please visit us at Good Change is Ahead

Authorised by Togethr Trustees Pty Ltd (ABN 64 006 964 049; AFSL 246383) ('Trustee') the trustee of the Equipsuper Superannuation Fund (ABN 33 813 823 017). Catholic Super is a division of the Equipsuper Superannuation Fund (ABN 33 813 823 017). Financial advice services may be provided to members by the trustee's related entity. 

Togethr Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 84 124 491 078; AFSL 455010). The information contained herein is general information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your personal investment objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is not intended to be, and should not be, construed in any way as investment, legal or financial advice. Please consider your personal position, objectives, and requirements before taking any action. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

© 2020 Togethr Trustees Pty Ltd. For further information please our contact our Service Centre on 1300 655 002 or visit our website:

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