It is important that you read the terms and conditions set out below as you will be bound by them whenever you access, browse or use this website. By accessing, browsing, or using this website you are deemed to have read, understood, and accepted these Website Terms and Conditions.
These are the current Website Terms and Conditions as at 19 June 2023 and they replace any other terms and conditions for this website previously published on this website or earlier versions of this website. Togethr Trustees Pty Ltd, the trustee of Catholic Super (‘Togethr’, or ‘we’) anticipates that this website will be enhanced on a continuing basis and therefore, we may at any time vary these Website Terms and Conditions by publishing the new terms and conditions on this website. You acknowledge that by doing this we have provided you with sufficient notice of variation. You should check the website regularly.
Your use of this website is subject strictly to the following terms and conditions of use along with the General Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy. By using this website you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions.