Show returns for These returns are updated monthly and include selected timeframes nominated. Returns for periods longer than one year are annualised.

Superannuation and Transition to Retirement Income returns -

Diversified Options
Sector Specific Options
Show returns for These returns are updated monthly and include selected timeframes nominated. Returns for periods longer than one year are annualised.

Retirement Income returns -

Diversified Options
Sector Specific Options

The PositiveIMPACT investment option was renamed to Future Focus on 1 July 2023.

The Conservative investment option was renamed to Capital Stable on 1 July 2023.

The investment returns for the following legacy CSF investment options ceased on 30 June 2023: Growth Plus, Growth, Balanced Growth, Balanced, Conservative, Australian Shares, Overseas Shares, Diversified Fixed Interest and Cash.

The following investment options were closed on 30 June 2023: RetirePlus (Retirement Income) and RetireStable (Retirement Income).

The following investment options were closed on 6 June 2022: Balanced Plus, FlexiTerm Deposit, RetirePlus (Superannuation and Transition to Retirement Income) and Retire Stable (Superannuation and Transition to Retirement Income).


From 1 July 2023, our investment options have changed. Please refer to the file downloads below for historic data:

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