The Board overseeing Catholic Super and the Board of TelstraSuper have signed a binding Heads of Agreement and agreed to proceed with a ‘merger of equals’ between the two funds.

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The rise of the white-collar nomad

I'm retired | | 2 min read

We’ve all heard of grey nomads – retired Australians who travel for weeks or months at a time, often in a caravan or motorhome. But there’s a new trend emerging. The increase in hybrid working arrangements is opening up new opportunities for people who want to combine work and travel.

Known as white-collar nomads, these Australians are taking advantage of flexible working policies to travel around the country – or even overseas – without retiring or taking leave from work.

White-collar nomads can be any age. Younger nomads may choose this lifestyle as a result of unaffordable housing options, or a desire for greater purpose. Older nomads may want to fulfil their retirement travel plans while still earning money and continuing to grow their super.

Recent research commissioned by Catholic Super revealed that almost two-thirds of working Australians (61%) say they’re more cautious with their personal finances and spending since COVID. Becoming a white-collar nomad means they can experience the joy of travel without making a dent in their savings.

Embracing flexible working policies

Over the past couple of years, there has been a noticeable shift in employee expectations about businesses offering flexible working policies. 

Many industries are experiencing strong competition between organisations to attract and retain the best talent. Offering workplace flexibility can make your business far more appealing to both current and potential employees.

What’s more, flexible working policies may entice older employees, who would have otherwise retired, to continue working. With one in two Australians expecting to work past the age of 65, giving them the means to enjoy a retirement lifestyle while still working can keep them engaged and allow you to retain their skills for longer. 

As work-life balance becomes a larger priority for many Australians, businesses have an opportunity to work more closely with their employees to seek mutual benefit. Embracing flexible working policies – and encouraging employees to follow their purpose – can be a winning formula for a strong culture and positive business outcomes.

Authorised by Togethr Trustees Pty Ltd (ABN 64 006 964 049; AFSL 246383) ('Trustee') the trustee of the Equipsuper Superannuation Fund (ABN 33 813 823 017). Catholic Super is a division of the Equipsuper Superannuation Fund (ABN 33 813 823 017). Financial advice services may be provided to members by the trustee's related entity. 

Togethr Financial Planning Pty Ltd (ABN 84 124 491 078; AFSL 455010). The information contained herein is general information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your personal investment objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is not intended to be, and should not be, construed in any way as investment, legal or financial advice. Please consider your personal position, objectives, and requirements before taking any action. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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